for your company. TEA offers flexible, available and transparent project pricing with no hidden costs: highest level of transperancy for you! Our food experts provide many years experience in food production, they are reliable, flexible and center on YOUR projects!
TEA provides food production experts that are tailored specifically to client’s needs and demands. Consequently we ensure that all our food production engineers possess significant experience in executive positions within the food production market.
As TEA is completely independent and guarantees integral solutions to all customer problems, our experts provide a full service package –confidential and reliable.
Clear-cut definitions ensure economic cost structures and pricing providing transparent project costs in advance. Naturally, all developed solutions pass into the client’s sole possession.
Export consulting: All involvement in export markets requires professional preparation. Cross-culturalism, expertise and know-how are vital in succeeding in the export food production business, a highly competitive market. Paul Konstantinidis and Carl Christian Müller insure this high standard through more than 40 years experience in the international food industry.
TEA’s partnership with the TOPOS personnel consulting firm in Hamburg guarantees an extensive international network and therefore an excellent pool of appropriate specialists and managers. TOPOS has more than 20 years of successful professional experience and is a leading personal advisors in the field of Direct Search.